Next New

All of the new media including the VR technology are giving feedback to our visual sense and our hearing sense, but it doesn’t give us any feedback on smelling and touching. So, I want to introduce a new type of new media that people are able to smell the things in the screen.  Like if you see a flower on your computer screen, you can turn on the smelling device, the device will form the smell of that flower, and you will be able to smell it. It also works for the restaurant menu. If you can’ t decides with an item on the menu you are going to order, you can turn on this smelling device, and smell different dishes of food, pick one you like the most. Current VR doesn’t give the users the feedback of touching sense. It will be more realistic if users are able to touch the objects in VR. With vision, smelling, hearing, feeling, the world of new media will become more realistic. 


  1. The restaurant idea seems pretty interesting, but I'd also like to add to the VR atmosphere of shopping with a visual sense. For example, Amazon would come out with an idea that allows people to try on virtual clothes without having to go to the mall or wait for a package of the clothes selected and send back the ones you don't want which is too time consuming, in which every business man knows money is time! However, trying on virtual clothes can save time and cost, but a huge downside to brick and motor retail stores like Macys.


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