Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

  The virtual world is a very popular online game. Most of the people don't seem it as a game because it actually develops a lot of different ways to use the virtual world. Initially, the virtual world is a game where users get to experience the world on the computer just like the real world. According to the article, "I've Been in That Bar, Just Not in Real Life" the user left the bar because it was packed with people and smelling of stale beer, but he was able to get the same experience of the bar in the virtual world on his computer. The virtual world was for the users to communicate with each other in the computer world, but now it developed more uses. According to the article, "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?" the virtual world can be used for train army, can be used to have a business meeting. But everything has its bad side. With so many benefits provided from the virtual world, people may start to rely on the virtual world, and refuse to step out to the real world. There is still the difference between the real and virtual world. With the developments of all the technologies, people are starting to rely on the technologies. If one day we lose all of the technologies, we will lose all of our abilities. With all the fast growth in the virtual world, I think we will be able to have lectures in a virtual world, learn all the materials that we need to learn, and actually experience the things we won't able to experience in real life.


  1. I agree with your examples. Virtual worlds can help people feel connected and together rather than alone and lonely. It fosters creativity by having people be connected with others and share their thoughts and ideas and be more 'out there'. I believe virtual worlds is going to be a key part of the future.


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